Jeannine Hall Gailey

She was on Verse Daily the other day. Congratulate her and congratulate Steve for such a good magazine!


I walked two hours with a friend the other day. We set out and I had no idea how far we were going to go, so I was quite unprepared (no water, no snacks, no decent walking shoes). Although the air was a little cool, it didn’t take long for me to warm up since I carried an extra 13-14 lbs in the Moby wrap baby carrier.

We stopped at a little park and my friend and her son walked around. Olive and I watched a teenager shoot hoops. The boy wore a red silky team uniform. Was he on a team or wishing to be on one? Above where I sat was a house that overlooked the park. The back of the house seemed like it might teeter off the cliff. I wondered what would happen if all the plants on the hill died and there were no roots to hold all that dirt together. Would the house slide off? The owners had filled the back of their house with windows and had built a deck (no back yard to mow!) which overlooked the park. I turned around to try and see what they see; they’d see houses, mostly, and not trees like I thought they might. If I lived there, would Olive climb down the hill to get to the park? Would she get poison ivy? What would it be like to buy that house? Maybe I could climb up there and make an offer.

Oi. I’m still recovering. When I got back from the long walk, I ate a bag of popcorn, several tacos, 2 power bars and some fruit. I drank 3 glasses of water. I was still hungry. I drank more water. It’s hard to believe I hiked miles through the cloud forests last May.