32 Poems Update

We’re still on schedule with 32. The magazines should show up this week. Then, we’ll scramble to get them out the door. I hope to have them all sent out to you fine folks within one week of their arrival here and will keep you updated.

Thank you to all who helped me choose the cover. I hope the magazines show up tomorrow. I am giddy every time we print another issue.

Sometimes I get so involved in the nitty gritty. Then, I look up from the massive amount of work — publication agreements, emails, subscriptions, galleys, answering questions, checks, queries from libraries and so on — and realize that I am running a magazine.

This “revelation” or whatever one wants to call it strikes me now and then. How did I get from a clueless poet in Tennessee in 1998 (who cornered the Threepenny Review editor to ask her questions about publishing a magazine) to someone running the magazine she created? Not only that but we’re in Best American Poetry again this year. Dagnabbit if I’m not happy about that.