13.2 Fall/Winter 2015

Malachi Black 32 Synonyms for Goosebumps

1. Hive-rise
2. Kite strings
3. Rain-on-a-lake
4. Starfuzz
5. Dewdrops
6. Skin thistles
7. Shrew’s eyes
8. Moonlift
9. Checkers
10. Cold clover
11. Baby bees
12. Quillbite
13. Night beads
14. Wonder rash
15. Cupolae
16. Sand-scatter
17. Rosary
18. Breeze burn
19. Ostrich fur
20. Whispertips
21. Leather bloom
22. Body burrs
23. Still shine
24. Bobbers
25. Threads-end
26. Quivers
27. Splinters
28. Caterpillar tails
29. Sea-shingles
30. Eyelets
31. Heatherpress
32. Braille

Malachi Black is the author of Storm Toward Morning, forthcoming from Copper Canyon Press, and two limited edition chapbooks: Quarantine (Argos Books, 2012) and Echolocation (Float Press, 2010).